Water for your ashes

It would be easy right now to succumb to the ugly, angry and violent images on screens everywhere spewing so much noise of impending doom and gloom. But I resist. I choose to turn away from screens to take in what is natural and created.

Beauty is everywhere. The sounds of birds fill the air with life, joy and hope. Creative life is uniquely located in the desert as well as the coastlands. In the valley, there is beauty that can’t be seen nor appreciated from the mountain top.

In a world full of trouble though, we have to be intentional about looking for beauty. New growth, green shoots of life pop up from literal ashes. Cactus grow in rocks, and their blooms pop through thorns.

We can dwell on the ashes, the rocks and the thorns. They represent all that was lost and seemingly impossible to overcome. And this is good for a season. There is a time for grieving with bitter tears, and torn hearts lamenting the anguish of loss. Give yourself time for this. Grieving is sacred and to be given space.

But what if time spent on our knees with faces to the ground spilling our tears into the ashes of loss becomes the cultivation of new life? What if we get quiet enough and empty enough to look around and see that sprouts of life are popping up where dead seeds were sown and watered with our tears?

Only a good Creator, miraculous God can do that. He cares about your story. Tell Him your story. Pour it all out. Shout your disappointment. Cry out your pain. Whisper your regrets. Lay out for Jesus your story, and leave the ashes before Him.

Then watch and wait to see the beauty He creates when He uses those ashes to write your story from His eternal perspective. His plans for you are glorious and glorify Him. His love for you is steadfast and faithful and will exalt His name as you love in His example.

Don’t lose heart, my friend. I’m telling myself the same message in the mirror. In this world we will have trouble. Jesus said so. And He lived it. But He also left us with His indwelling peace, and His victory declaration, “I have overcome the world.”

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,

Some things to ponder with Jesus:

Do I have the indwelling peace of Jesus?

Take some time to write your dry, desert valley experience. Everyone has this place in their life.

It’s easy to recognize all that’s gone wrong and to identify those feelings of hurt and sadness. Now pondering this place with Jesus, where do you recognize a pool of water? Look for it. Write about it.

Where do you find shade?

Where by the water and the shade might you find signs of new growth and life springing up? Write about it.

Stay in this season of pondering with Jesus until you feel His release to move forward as one who overcomes because He has overcome the world.

I challenge you to read the book of John in the Bible.

I bless you with beauty from ashes.

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