Who is Lisa R. Brittain?

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome!

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Lisa, and I am first and foremost a long time follower of Jesus. Please don’t think religious or church lady. No, that’s not me.

I first learned about Jesus at 9 years old in VBS (Vacation Bible School). At that tender age, I was offered an opportunity to say yes to Jesus and know that I would live forever in heaven rather than forever in hell at the end of my physical life. I said yes to Jesus and was baptized as a public statement of my faith.

It wasn’t until I ventured off to college that I began to really seek God. And it wasn’t until I was married with babies in my late twenties that I began to desire to know His Word, surrender my will to Him, and follow His plan for my life. It’s been a wonderfully bumpy and sometimes painfully adventurous journey – this life-giving walk with Jesus.

After 20+ years of marriage and parenting sons while simultaneously attempting to live a good Christian life, I recognized my desperate need for God. I was dry, empty and shallow. And I finally began to realize I couldn’t live a perfect life for Him without Him. I felt as dry and crusty on the inside as I imagined the ones who had wandered stubbornly through a wilderness thousands of years ago.

At the bottom of the “do it my way” pit I had dug for myself I could sense the hands of Jesus reaching toward me. Out of silence and stillness, my heart recognized His whisper.

“Are you ready to follow Me?”

I had so many questions and doubts. I still wanted control of the course. I wasn’t sure I could trust Jesus with total control of the route to my journey home.

What would it cost to follow Jesus His way? Would I have to go alone? Was I going to lose everything? Would I look like a failure? Was I going to be ridiculed? Ostracized?

I was self-absorbed obviously, but I was even more so desperate for life. I had read in the Bible that Jesus said that He came to give abundant life. And I knew I didn’t have it. Angry, bitter tears finally welled up and spilled out as I screamed into the silence, “Jesus, where is this abundant life You promised?”

It turned out that Jesus had been waiting a long time for me to get to the end of myself. He was patiently pursuing me the whole time. While all my life, I thought I could grab some good advice from Him and then work out the details on my own. Finally, I was desperate enough to surrender to His Way.

“Are you ready to follow Me?”

I said yes to following Jesus no matter what, wherever He was leading and forsaking any further thought for the cost. I said yes to the abundant life of simply following Jesus!

I am a woman who is still in process. I’ve worn many hats, overalls, tool belts and aprons in my 60 years on planet Earth. Working with my hands in the way of restoring old chairs, weaving, sewing and gardening, brings me great joy. Beyond the work of my hands, I pursue my passions of writing, talking, and drinking coffee with those who want a friend for the journey. My permanent walking partner is Jesus, and I hope many of us will enjoy Him together – arm in arm!

Currently, I’m trying to find my way through to the next chapter in a new decade as my husband of 35 years and I have recently made a cross country move. In order to gain some footing in our new desert community, we’ve made our church home the center of our radius. From there, we’re meeting neighbors, volunteering with some amazing organizations, and getting to know Jesus through so many new faces. We’re not sure yet why we’re transplanted on the west coast, but we’re quite convinced God said, “Come and learn.”

Together we have two sons. Our dear young men have each blessed us with a daughter in love and a grandchild, plus 4 granddogs and a grandcat. Additionally, we share our home with 2 lively rescue pups. Our cup of joy is overflowing!

More than anything else, I hope that through my written words your eyes are drawn to Jesus. My prayer for you is that you will crave His words and desire to know Him better all the rest of your days. No formulas. No easy, instant answers. A long term, weaving pathway full of all the challenges and joys of becoming who He always thought you to be!

Live Love Brightly,
