
Through the reading of God’s word and watching family grow,

Through reading all the posts of you wise souls, faith writers in this online community of writers for Jesus.

Through conversations with sisters on FaceTime and by Marco Polo,

And through Bible study and fellowship with newly discovered sisters in my new home town,

I am discovering more about who Jesus is,
And who He made me to be,
For what purpose,
And He’s shaping me with truth and grace.

At 60, just like 50, and 40 before that, God is using His living water to soften the hard clay of me. His loving and skillful hands, work the softening clay.

He massages the weary and hurting places, and He uses a sharp trowel to cut off the sharp and unnecessary edges.

God is at work in me again.
I’m discovering His truth in me and for me. Grateful God has not forgotten me as a dust grabber on a shelf.

No, at 60, like 50, and 40 before, He’s reshaping my heart to carry more of His light as we have been designed to live holy in an increasingly wicked time in history.

For such a time as this, we are discovering through writing that we are sisters of One Father.

He wants us to find each other, learn from one another, encourage, embolden and cheer our sisters on. I am learning to accept my role with excitement enthusiasm and grace.

I am a connector, an encourager, and adventurist. Probably God sewed into the fabric of me, an entrepreneurial bend with a pinch of inventor’s flair, for when I see a need I tend to look for ways to solve the problem.

I will go first. A pioneer. Strike out on my own. I’m good at learning a thing, but not so I can become a CEO of wealth and fame.

No, it’s always so I can teach someone else and help them find their talents, skills, and gifts. Usually, the student far out performs the teacher. This is God’s shaping in me.

May He never stop until Jesus greets me at heaven’s beautiful gate, and I am complete. Whole. Resembling Him through and through.

So thank you, dear ones, for being instruments in God’s hands for my discovery!

Keep writing. Keep loving. Keep cheering. Keep discovering God’s character.

Keep seeking Christ. His heart.

Eyes on Jesus and Shine.