Anticipate the Gathering

Heading south…

It’s time!

Get ready. They’re on their way!


Canadian Thanksgiving is a recent memory, cars are packed, and our northern neighbors are heading back south for winter.

This is an exciting time for those of us who have held down the desert fort during the heat of summer.

It’s been quiet since May. Peaceful. Long days of enjoying just the few of us. We’ve still gathered for dinners, early morning pickleball, bike rides, and Bunco parties. Summer hikes and Sunday church. It’s been a delightful summer.

Back together again…

Suddenly, though, the daylight hours are getting shorter, and temperatures are cooling with the approach of fall. Every few days the notifications come in. Anticipation. They’ll see us soon.

The snowbirds are coming.

It’s time to get ready. Tables will be full. Restaurants crowded and reservations needed. So many months to catch up on. We’re so looking forward to hellos and hugs. Soon we’ll be welcoming back the ones we’ve been anticipating.

Eyes on Jesus and Shine!


Today I’m joining Kate and writing friends for Five Minute Friday. Our word prompt is anticipate.