Wisdom Wednesday.03

Is there anyone who doesn’t want to be wise?

By daily, simple interactions with people in our western culture, I tend to believe that most of us want to be thought of as wise. Or at least, to be taken seriously, and perhaps to be thought of as right.

God is wisdom, in that He is all knowing, all sufficient, and always existent. He is the Creator and we are the created.

And so, as you and I are made in God’s image, it is possible for us to become wise. But I cannot make myself wise. You cannot manufacture wisdom. We must seek the source.

I believe it delights God’s Fatherly heart to watch His children seeking out wisdom, and desiring to be like Him with humility and gratitude. He surely smiles at us as we read His word for understanding. And He honors a child intent on living holy as He is holy.

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

James 3:17 NIV

I think of a child learning to talk. She is undoubtedly listening to her parents, watching their lips, exercising her mouth in a way that is developing speech patterns. Children desire to be heard and understood. So, even though language development is a lengthy learning process, children persevere.

She imitates sounds, and practices repeated sound formats to create the beginning semblance of a word. Over time she will develop her word skills and one day complete sentences and paragraphs.

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

James‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

She was created with a capacity for language, but she wasn’t born speaking. A child learns speech, and she learns to think. As she grows up she develops her preferences and makes her own choices. This is where sometimes it’s easier for a parent to recognize the heart of God for us.

We all choose.

This precious child whom you’ve nurtured, taught, and for whom you’ve sacrificed much to bring to adulthood, has a free will. She gets to choose what she believes, how she will conduct herself, and what she will decide is wisdom for her own life.

Some people look to God for wisdom believing that they need a power stronger, more knowledgeable, and enduring than themselves. Other people believe that human beings are the epitome of knowledge and wisdom.

“But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.”

James 3:14-15NIV

Again, God helps us. Wherever we end up looking, He’s already there. These scripture verses from James chapter 3 teach us the difference between Godly and worldly wisdom. However, don’t miss this, not only does God give us the opportunity to know the difference, He gives us a way to choose different.

At any time, while there is yet breath in our lungs and a heartbeat in our chest, we can ask God for help. We are invited by Him to ask for wisdom from above, and He will give it. He opens wide His arms for the prodigal to return home from venturing out in the world. If we turn to God in surrender, we’re likely to run right into His chest. For in His wisdom, He knew you were turning back, and He was already running to greet you with love.

Choose wisely.

Live Love Brightly,


4 thoughts on “Wisdom Wednesday.03

  1. We cannot make ourselves wise. You cannot manufacture wisdom. We must seek the source. As we come to the Source and ask of Him, He will generously give us the wisdom we need. Beautiful reminder, Lisa, to come to God the only wise One.

  2. We cannot make ourselves wise. We cannot manufacture wisdom. We must seek the Source and He will give generously as we simply come and ask. A beautiful reminder, Lisa, for us to always come to the Source.

  3. Thank you, Lisa, for all this encouragement. This especially awed me – “If we turn to God in surrender, we’re likely to run right into His chest. For in His wisdom, He knew you were turning back, and He was already running to greet you with love.” So true! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Trudy!
      I know it’s been true of me and He’s been right here for me!
      Thank you for reading and commenting! Happy Thanksgiving blessings 🌻

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