How Long Will You Waver?

“Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent.”
‭‭1 Kings 18:21

I am full of opinions. I used to offer them freely without hesitation. I gave my opinion dogmatically in particular seasons of life, but what I found is that opinions didn’t bear fruit. Most of the time my opinions were received as judgment.

Today if you were to ask my opinion, I would gladly offer my thoughts. However, I hope and I pray God has done such a work in my heart that my words would come forth as wisdom seasoned with humility.

Today if we were enjoying a conversation about anything and the spirit of God prompted me to share from my life experience, I pray you would hear His whisper of love rather than my opinion.

This morning I read 1 Kings 17-19, treasured stories from the life of Elijah, the Prophet. I’ve heard many opinions of Elijah from preachers and teachers, and I have some of my own. We all read scripture through our ow filters of personality and life experience. However, today I intentionally focused on the words of truth in a different translation so that I wasn’t tempted to skim over familiar words. I forced myself to read with understanding rather than thinking I already know.

What stood out to me today is that everyone has a choice to believe God or believe the way of the world currently under the dominion of Baal. There are a variety of opinions about that, and most people waver along a blurred path neither black or white, right or left, yes or no.

And so, I have made a choice. I believe God, and my heart longs to live close to Him. I desire with body, mind and soul to obey Him and remain loyal to His love for me. It’s my opinion that I am more safe under His shadow than wavering amongst the variety of opinions and beliefs of the world.

While many might find me narrow minded, I actually enjoy living among and dining with people who haven’t quite decided on which side of the fence they want to stake their beliefs. I love people who are wavering. Those beautiful hearts who search, seek and desire to know what is right and true? These are the precious hearts of the world. They remind me of me.

“And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground and cried out, “The Lord—he is God! Yes, the Lord is God!””
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭18‬:‭39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

My final thought as I closed my reading in 1 Kings this morning is that I don’t have to worry that God won’t make Himself known. I can live on His side among so many who are wavering between opinions because when they see God for themselves, they will choose. God’s Spirit bears fruit.

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,


17 thoughts on “How Long Will You Waver?

  1. I can completely relate, Lisa! I use to be very opininated, but now, I try to share His love, and His truth; hopefully seasoned with humility, grace and hope. I pray you have a smooth transition from living in Georgia to living in California.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. We know God is with us because we feel we’ve found home in the strange beautiful new land. Thank you for your encouragement 🌸

  2. This is a great post, Lisa! I love your prayer that when we share with people they would hear God’s whisper of love and not just our opinions.

    1. Hi! I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment. I just now saw I had a couple of comments pending. My apologies. Thank you for coming by to read my story. Thank you for taking time to comment as well. I’ll be looking for you…

  3. Beautiful post, Lisa. I also read and was inspired by your bio, which I don’t think I’ve noticed on this page before.
    P.S. Love “It’s my opinion that I am more safe under His shadow than wavering amongst the variety of opinions and beliefs of the world.”
    (Visiting from #19)

  4. Love this Lisa. Amen and Amen! You know this made me think of my friend who says the older she gets her “filter” is gone. I love the filter Jesus gives me to stop and pause to try and see things through his lense and showing others grace along the way.
    FMF #2

  5. How long will you waver?
    Think you’ve got the time to borrow
    to take Jesus as your Saviour?
    What, mate, if you died tomorrow
    with that question still afloat
    in your whirling mind?
    You’d be cast out as a goat
    (and not the Greatest Of All Time)
    into a dark that has no end,
    a place where all you feel’s regret,
    so don’t think you have years to spend;
    come on up and place your bet
    on this Bloke with all to give,
    who died for you, so you could live.

  6. What a loving perspective! My opinion matters little compared to what God says, but ultimately each of us must decide for ourselves whether we will trust him and as you say, those souls who are wavering but still seeking can be some of the sweetest. Visiting from FMF#5

    1. Amen, Kym! Thank you for stopping by to read and comment. I appreciate you engaging with the conversation. I’ll be visiting your writing soon.

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