The Promised Marriage Feast

A) A promise ring. A promise broken.

B) An engagement ring retrieved.

C) A consolation prize. “I regret to inform you that you didn’t receive the seal of approval.”

D) A wedding ring. Vows. Consecration. Celebration. Witnesses. A promise being fulfilled.

E) B & C

F) All of the above.

Which of these statements above is true of my romantic life?

“Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When I was a youngster I had one answer for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a wife and mommy. Plain and simple.

Even in high school, as a better than average student, smart and capable, having held plenty of part time jobs already, this was my greatest aspiration. I wanted to build a home with the love of my life. He would be my best friend, who would not leave. Together, we would give life to babies, and grow them up to maturity, launch them into the world…

All very fairy tale. And it’s what I wanted.

If you answered F) in the multiple choice quiz above you are correct.

I fell in love with a young man in high school. Graduating two years before me, he was going far away to college to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. His mother hoped he would forget all about me once he got settled into his studies. But he made a promise to me, and gave me a ring to seal his promise. I wore it and held the promise. But we were young, and two years and too many miles broke the promise. I threw the ring away.

Again, about half-way through my college studies, I fell in love with a young man from the northeast. His parents retired to Florida, and we visited both families on occasion. His family attended church regularly, and he had been fully involved in YoungLife through high school. But he and I, we were searching for God, faith, and trying to figure out what we believed. We explored adulting together, and thought we would continue for the rest of our days in marriage with children, career and love until the sun finally would set.

A year plus after graduation with his grandmother’s engagement ring in his pocket, sized for me, we prepared to travel south for Christmas holidays. But I could tell something was off. He was not himself. When I asked what was going on, he pulled the ring from his pocket, and simultaneously lamented, “I just can’t do it.”

He wanted more time. I thought three years was plenty. His Mom thought we were too young and rushing into a life altering decision. My heart couldn’t handle the rejection. I took my broken heart and moved on.

There was another young man at work who challenged me to memorize Scripture, encouraged me into Bible study, introduced me to the Presbyterian Church, and then quickly took me home to meet his parents. I’m not sure who his Mother was looking for, but she was not me. And we were done. That was a long, awkward 8 hour drive.

And Jesus is not like any of these young men. He’s not distracted, or looking for a better opportunity. He’s not more concerned with the success of His career. He’s not basing His decision on what Mom thinks. And the most important, Jesus is not afraid of commitment!

In fact, Jesus is so sure of His love for His Bride, the Church, that He gave up His life as a sacrifice on the cross. He shed His blood to make us spotless. He allowed Himself to be torn in torture so that we would be made whole. He took upon Himself our rebellion against God, and bore all of our sin so that He could present a Bride spotless and without wrinkle.

The invitation of Christ is for our lifetime and extends for all eternity. He won’t change His mind. Yes, Jesus returned to His Father in Heaven after His resurrection, but He promised to go and prepare a home for us. He’s coming again, and I am determined to be ready, watching and anticipating the promised return of the Bridegroom.

I have my invitation sealed by the King. His promise is sealed upon my heart. I believe my white linen dress and my crown are waiting for me. My name is already written in His book.

What about you friend?

Have you said yes to the Bridegroom?

Will you receive His invitation?

Everything you’ve ever desired and longed for will be fulfilled in your surrender to Jesus, The Bridegroom. He is the One who bids you come…

“The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,


PS – my dear man and I have been married for 35 + years. We’re best friends forged in commitment through the most challenging of times. We’re learning to celebrate the best of all God is using to shape us into the image of His Dear Son. We give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His steadfast love endures forever. Amen.

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2 thoughts on “The Promised Marriage Feast

  1. Lisa, I appreciate your vulnerability in sharing your story.
    Thanks so very much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends October Link up. My November Link up is now open. I invite you to come and share more dear friend.

    1. Oh , hi Paula!
      Thank you so much for coming over to read my words and encourage me. And thank you for invitation. I will go on over to check out your November link up. Thank you again!
      Eyes on Jesus and Shine!

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