New Girl in Town

Having heard the good news that God was providing for His people in Bethlehem, the two women, Ruth and Naomi, arrived safely in Bethlehem in late spring, just in time for the barley harvest.1 Ruth, the Moabitess, she was the new girl in town. Her only friend was her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Have you ever been the new girl in town? What emotions pop to the forefront when I ask about the lunchroom on your first day at a new school or workplace? I feel the awkwardness in my gut. Do you?

Ruth was a foreigner in the land of Bethlehem. Her people in Moab were a pagan people, hostile to the lineage and God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. There were horrific events, pain and suffering which sullied the history of these two people groups. And yet here were two women grafted together as a family through marriage and tragedy.

Ruth made a choice. She chose loyalty to her mother-in-law, and she chose a new life of faith in the One True God.

So what do you do to assimilate when you’re the new girl in town?

Read the rest at my page Come To The Table: A 31 Day Writing Event.

To study the book of Ruth through my 31-Day devotional, 31 Days Of Gleaning With Ruth: questioning my way through a famine season click here.

31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth: Questioning my way through a famine season