
Are you needing some refreshment? It’s only the middle of the week, but it feels like a full week of stuff.

Although I have no idea what stuff has overwhelmed you lately, I imagine you could use some refreshment. I need some too. This word of God from Jeremiah 31 has been the best bread to chew on while I drink my coffee this morning.

Refreshment brings to my mind thoughts of peace. Symbolic of peace, doves are one of my favorite visual reminders. So it didn’t escape my notice when doves began to appear on the power lines in front of our home. I recognized them as significant and a refreshing assurance of Father’s peaceful presence.

He is with me. His Holy Spirit dwells in me. And the Prince of Peace rules and reigns right where I live.

As the virus became a threat and our world shutdown, I began to pray for peace on our street, especially for our elderly neighbors. Daily as I walked and prayed for those behind the windows and those behind the masks, doves began to show up on the power lines. Doves seemed to follow me; one on this street. Two waiting around the corner, and then down into another cul de sac, I spied three more.

So obvious and significant has been their daily presence that I intentionally turn my eyes to acknowledge their presence. I say right out loud to them, “I see you doves of peace!”

Occasionally they are absent, and I am prompted to prayer. I want to know why they’ve left. I have wondered with God, “Did something happen here to break the peace.” Wondering why the doves are hidden can lead me to ask Jesus to search my own heart and bring to mind any offense needing forgiveness. I end my ponderings by asking Father to call the doves back and restore to me the tangible presence of His peace.

You might think all of this odd. It’s not strange to me at all. This communication style exemplifies the relationship I have had with my heavenly Father since I was a little girl.

Even before I surrendered my whole heart and life to Jesus, I experienced a unique way of seeing God’s interaction in my life, and subsequently developed my own way of communicating with Him. He spoke my child-heart language then and still grabs my attention decades later.

God doesn’t find His unique communication styles odd. But then again the very essence of God is wholly other. He is holy. There’s none like Him.

If you read through the Bible, you will find some amazing and rather interesting encounters God has with His creation. Check it out for yourself. God spoke out of a burning bush, in dreams and visions, through a donkey and by way of angelic messengers – just to get you started. He’s creative. He’s God!

My Creator knows me personally, and I have come to trust that He is highly personal. He designed me to understand Him in a way that is as individual as my fingerprints. My relationship with the Holy Trinity is not odd. It’s simply unique, personal and consistent.

Peace, unfortunately, has not been consistent over the many months of this strange year. Just in our tiny corner of the world we’ve experienced some of the most bizarre situations, which have threatened to pit neighbor against neighbor. However, the doves keep showing up to remind me to pray, and to remind me that my Prince of Peace is here.

Peace, I’m learning is not the absence of conflict; it’s a determined resolve to be controlled by it. Trouble is guaranteed this side of heaven. Jesus said so.

Jesus also said He would be with us always. He stands holding a firm grip on me when the storm winds howl. He’s never leaving. Jesus is never turning away. Even when chaos threatens our community, Jesus speaks, “I am here. Do not be afraid.”

I’m receiving His refreshment today. I’m watching for doves in my neighborhood. I’m thanking Him for being here.

You’re invited to receive His refreshment. Join me below for some of your own ponderings.

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,


1. From what do you need refreshment? Are you willing to tell Jesus how undone you feel and why?

2. What visual or what other of your five senses helps you recognize God’s presence? What symbolizes the peace of God for you?

3. If this very personal form of communication with God is a new concept, are you interested in experiencing more intimate interaction with your heavenly Father? Why not ask Him today to speak your heart language?

4. Schedule time for your favorite form of refreshment. Invite Jesus to come along. Expect to experience His presence.