Saturday Share with Bettie Gilbert

Welcome to Saturday Share!   The purpose of this weekly feature is to provide a space for regular people to share their real-life encounters with Jesus.  It’s about living in the middle – on the way to the finish line.  If we still have breath to tell our stories then our race isn't finished. I believe … Continue reading Saturday Share with Bettie Gilbert

Day 29: {Follow} Jesus and bring some friends with you

It's late on Day 29 with two days remaining to complete the 31-day writing challenge.  It feels a bit like I've hit a wall and yet I know the finish line is in sight.  I have no intention of quitting, however, I will admit I might be walking somewhat bent over with my hand on my … Continue reading Day 29: {Follow} Jesus and bring some friends with you

Day 14: If at first I don’t succeed, will I {try, try} again?

I need this life-giving lesson for my own famine season as I {try} my best to do what I can do day in and day out.  I need to recognize that my {trying}, my persevering under trying circumstances might just be breathing life into the one beside me who is having difficulty finding hope for our future.