Page 5

“Expect nothing. Appreciate everything!”

Randy Brittain

2020. Yeah, I know. But some good things were mined from that dark and chaotic time in history. This quote printed on a coffee mug is one of them.

We ventured out to do a little shopping amongst the masked and unmasked. It was a time when some of us tried to make eye contact and share a smile while others ducked and walked the other way. Everyone was walking in their own shoes for their own reasons.

We grabbed hold of this one-liner and made it our own.

Take a step forward and see what God can do with that mustard seed of faith. Just as the priests were required by God to take a step forward into the Jordan so that His presence divided the water and created a path.

God’s call to us, His creation, requires an action step. God spoke into dark chaos, “Let there be light.” and light responded with a yes. Light showed up. And then the stars and moon and planets. And land and creatures and vegetation. Finally, man. But God in His sovereignty gave us a choice to say yes or no.

Our yes to God is a must in order for us to be able to see a path He’s created out of an impossibility.

Lisa Brittain

One year ago this week. We were excited and terrified to take this step forward. We weren’t sure he was physically able to make the trip. We dreaded difficulties with three dogs in a car on this 6-day car trip across country. Hotel reservations were made in advance with special permission for three dogs and two people. Short jaunts from state to state were planned out to preserve physical endurance.

However we had family and friends praying for favor and health. We received daily texts and phone calls full of encouragement and scriptures to keep us going. Dear ones had lined our pockets with gas money and Chick Fil A gift cards!

One step into the unknown toward the western destination and we instantly knew God was going before and behind.

A lot can happen in a year. We’ve learned so much about ourselves. We have learned more about God and His love for us.

What’s He calling you to do?

Where has He asked you to go?

Where has God asked for your yes?

Are you withholding your trust?


Maybe God’s not called you cross country, but maybe next door. Maybe to a phone call. Maybe back to church.

Maybe He’s waiting for you to take that one step forward so that you can see He goes before you. He’s already prepared the path.

Love from the fun couple until next time,

Randy and Lisa

One thought on “Page 5

  1. Yes, you are a fun couple.

    Love the unity you share on your journey. And I love hearing from Randy as well.

    Thanks for sharing your journey. The Snells are challenged to trust God more.

    ?With joy and peace in believing,

    Ruth ________________________________

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