
Day 142. Psalm 142.
Eyes on Jesus.
Tattling to Jesus. Sage advice I received from a beautiful, mature daughter of God so many years ago…

Not happy?
Feeling offended?
Not fair?

Me too. I totally get these feelings and thoughts which accompany them.

Tattle to Jesus. He sees the bigger picture. He understands all the sides. He knows all the filters by which each party is relating to the situations. He’s not taking sides. He’s asking me to assess whether or not I will be on His side.

“Where are you?”  It seems to be one of God’s favorite questions. “From what are you fleeing and where are you going?”

{Genesis 16:8 Hagar and El Roi}

He wants me to assess my current location along with the direction of my heart and my feet.

El Roi, The God who sees me, interrupts my tantrum to ask me, “Where are you?” Am I getting closer to Him or further away? Are my eyes looking to Him or away to the situation? Am I seeking the world’s answers or His wisdom?

Back it up, girlfriend! Eyes on Jesus. Tattling to Him. Spilling it raw to the Only One capable of sorting it all out.

Eyes on Jesus. Feet toward Jesus. Staying near. Listening for His loving voice of direction and guidance.

I sense that you are hesitant.  I’ve sought my own solutions too.  I’ve given into my flesh time and time again seeking solace in the advice of people. I am tempted to take my complaint to a friend; thinking surely someone with skin on is able to fix my problem.

Faulty has been my thinking that those to whom I would most likely tattle actually want to hear my passionate spew of words at a high pitch frequency.  Faulty has been my assumption that a person is able to bring wholeness to my broken heart.  Faulty has been my thinking that I NEED someone to take up ‘my side’.

People with skin on have all their own issues, burdens, cares, and reasons to rant, spew and carry on with complaints of not fair.

The bottom line is that you and I often think God doesn’t care to hear.  Or we have been taught to think He doesn’t concern His Majesty with such trivial things.  Or we just don’t think He’s BIG enough or POWERFUL enough to straighten out that person or that situation looming over our heads.

The bottom line is that we don’t think we’ll get the answer for which we’re longing. We want to be right. We want people to tell us we’re right. We want immediate gratification of our flesh.

The bottom line is that we don’t know our Father. His love for us is boundless, yet we’re not trusting of His goodness. We don’t think His answer for us will be fair or pleasing or soothing.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why don’t I take my concerns, my rants, my feelings raw and passionate straight to the Throne of Grace?”

It’s a good question to ponder with Father in His word, and with our Counselor, Holy Spirit.

Come join me.  Let’s sit at His feet.  There’s plenty of room for both of us. Our Father delights in sorting out the tangles if we’ll simply tattle to Jesus.

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,


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