It’s really that simple.

Day 139. Psalm 139. Eyes on Jesus. Focus on Him. 

If my eyes are where they are supposed to be – on Jesus – then I’m located where I am supposed to be – which is near to Him.

If I’m near to His presence, which is an all consuming fire, and the Word of God in action, it’s going to be much more difficult for me to treat another person wrongly.

I didn’t type ‘impossible’ because I was that kid who threw the ball up to the ceiling and broke the glass light fixture immediately after my Mom told me not to do so. She was steps away when the glass shattered all around me.

So, personally, I know I misbehave even at times when I am near to my Good Shepherd. However, I can also testify that conviction comes much more quickly. I appreciate this truth in my life as there are times when my sin is stopped at a thought rather than an action. Sin is sin, so I am not excusing my wrong thoughts. However, I would rather Holy Spirit point out wrong thinking before a word slips from my lips or my hands commit wrongful action.

The point is that nearness, awareness, and devotion are key to my desire to replicate my Beloved’s character. It is my responsibility to make sure I am rightly positioned with my eyes on Jesus, my ears tuned to His voice, watching for His movement and waiting for direction. If I’m reading God’s word, taking Him at His word and putting my feet in His footprints, I will be rightly positioned for success. I am much more likely to love God first and then love my neighbor as Jesus loves me.

There’s no formula with God, which will guarantee a perfect life. Perfect behavior is not our Father’s goal. It’s just not. His aim is to have relationship with His children. He desires an ongoing dialogue in which we are seeking His best and He is guiding our path.

Going back to my childhood example, I didn’t take my Mom at her word. I heard what she said, but I didn’t believe she knew what she was talking about. I had already been tossing the ball toward the ceiling and nothing disastrous had happened. Besides, I wanted to do what I wanted to do.

And then I did. I promise you, the moment I heard the glass crack, my perspective changed. My Mom was right. I was wrong. She had given me direction, and I had gone my own way. I was in trouble. I remember jumping behind the bed and sobbing uncontrollably.

My Mom? She grabbed a pair of shoes, threw them on her feet and ran across cut glass to gather me in her arms. My Mom, the heroine! She carried me to safety before she talked to me about the inappropriate choice I had made to purposefully disobey her. She loved me. She had given me wise counsel because she didn’t want me to get cut by glass flying.

That glass left a scar on my left thigh. For many years that scar served to remind me of truth regarding respect and obedience, love and relationship.

It just works! Father God knows best. He has all the solutions to our every question. His Word is validated moment by moment by our position toward Him, the proximity of our dwelling, the gaze of our eyes and the placement of our feet.

Go to Him. Talk to Him. Lay down at His feet. Surrender all your good ideas. Open your hands and receive His free gift. Become alive. Live with Him and for Him. In Jesus’ name and for His glory.

So be it!

Eyes on Jesus and Shine,


One thought on “It’s really that simple.

  1. Awwwww. Words of Life. Thank you.

    I look forward to time w you on Thursday. Grandparents Camp this afternoon through Wednesday morning. Adventure ahead. \O/


    With joy and peace in believing…

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