Saturday Share with Ruth Snell

Welcome to Saturday Share!SS colossians 2.2

The purpose of this weekly feature is to provide a space for regular people to share their real-life encounters with Jesus.  It’s about living in the middle – on the way to the finish line.  Our race isn’t finished as long as there’s still breath in our lungs.

I believe we sharpen one another and delight God’s heart when we testify of His great work in our lives.  Be encouraged to put one foot in front of the other, and spur someone on while you’re at it!

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  Colossians 2:2-3 NIV

I am honored to welcome my feature Saturday Share writer:

Ruth Snell


Declare and Applaud

By Ruth Snell

SS with Ruth psalm 107.8

My friends and I were doing what we do most every Wednesday afternoon.  We gather as friends to “do community.”  It’s not a Bible study, although, we do get into the word.  It’s a gathering of friends sharing our life journeys together.  We laugh a lot.  We cry. We pray. We “do life” in community.  I rarely miss.  It’s life-giving and receiving.

So, we were in the middle of sharing some really difficult family issues. The needs shared were almost beyond our ability to comprehend.

Someone said, “Let’s pray!”

Several cried out to God for this truly overwhelming situation.  It was heart-wrenching and truly a “but God” circumstance.

I sensed the Lord taking me to Psalm 107.  I read some and prayed some of it.   Psalm 107 is a Psalm of praise for God’s rescue as people cried out to Him.  As I read out loud and prayed out loud, I had a compelling urge to applaud God’s faithfulness.

At first, it seemed like I wasn’t listening to the “reality of the need” or the “severity of the need.”  It seemed counter-intuitive to the prayers said before but Holy Spirit’s promptings didn’t go away.

SS with Ruth psalm 107.32

So in my loud voice, I began declaring and applauding the faithfulness of God.  As I declared with applause the faithfulness of God, others joined in.  Together with loud voices, we declared and applauded the faithfulness of God.

Here in the middle of the overwhelming need and our prayers for rescue and deliverance, Holy Spirit broke through with His response.

Declare and applaud the Faithfulness of God.

It truly was Him speaking to our hearts a word of encouragement.


Ruth Snell

Meet Ruth Snell ~


Ruth Snell is Mother of 3 and Nana to 3. She enjoys walking with Jesus and sharing their journey. She loves tennis, walking, and conversations with friends. She lives in Lilburn, GA with her husband, John.

Connect with Ruth on her blog:



2 thoughts on “Saturday Share with Ruth Snell

  1. I love this Ruth. AND I hope you might come back next week to tell us the rest of the story. Also, I found a note in my Bible this past week which led me to Psalm 96. This Psalm also is a declaring, singing, ascribing to God His Majesty and Glory. I give thanks to You, O God, for You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever!

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