Looking beyond the routine

Even in the routine, following Jesus is anything but routine.

Does that sound like just another catchy phrase to put on a picture and post on Instagram or is this a true statement?  I’m pondering this idea of routine early this morning before the routine of my life begins.

As I meet with Father in prayer this morning and ask this question for myself the examples of Jesus’ life on earth begin to pop like quick movie previews through my thinking.

Looking Beyond the Routine

When Jesus stepped into His ministry calling on earth, He also walked into the routine of many people’s lives.  His interruption of their routine was attractive and enticing.  Do you ever wonder why regular people in the routine of their lives would receive Jesus’ simple invitation to follow Him?

I think of the fishermen in their work routine, fishing to provide for their families.  They were simply doing what they knew to do and then Jesus interrupted their routine with an offer.  I imagine the encounter:

Follow Me, since you know how to fish, I will teach you how to fish for men.

With so many examples popping… tax collectors, prostitutes, a Pharisee, the beggar and the crippled spending their days lying on a mat…

Lastly, the woman at the well whose routine had become completely opposite the routine of the other Samaritan women.  Her shame caused her to choose a lonely routine until the day Jesus interrupted her routine at the well.  I wonder what she thought about a Jewish man asking her for water that day.  This was anything but routine and her experience with men was anything but the standard.

I imagine the encounter:

Woman trade in your routine of shame for the Living Water I offer, and I will give you a message to offer all the people of your village.  You’ll be restored to the routine with the women free from shame and helping them to live free as well.

So, Lord Jesus, as I head straight into the routine of this day, help me to see You interrupting my routine with Your presence.  Teach me to do Your Kingdom work right in the middle of my routine life for Your Glory!


What does this look like for you?  Would you like to see Jesus interrupting your routine?

Will you ask Him to do so?

Eyes on Jesus… you’re shining!


routine FMF-Square-Images-4Today I am joining Kate and her wonderful community of faith writers for some Five Minute Friday writing fun.  The word prompt for this week is {beauty}  If you’re in the least bit intrigued, come join us for the Five Minute Friday link up

All you have to do is ponder the word prompt, set your timer for 5:00, and start typing. When time’s up, publish and link up.  Oh so simple!

9 thoughts on “Looking beyond the routine

  1. Your words here prompt in me thoughts similar to what I shared on Stephanie Thompson’s post (I don’t know how to insert a link to it in this comment). I love routine and order, but sometimes I go overboard and get selfish with my time and abilities. I don’t always want to serve in the way that God is calling me to in the moment. The Spirit is constantly talking to me about allowing Him to set the agenda for the day – to let His will, not mine, but the routine.

    1. Hi Marie! I love seeing your face here. And I love your honesty! Thank you for joining in this challenging discussion on routine. Your ponders help me ponder and I am grateful!

  2. I love this take on the prompt! I hope I will keep my eyes on Jesus and be willing to allow him to interrupt my routine!

    1. Thank you, Lesley, for stopping in to read these words from my heart. Your time is precious so I appreciate all you’ve given today. 💝💝 #knittedhearts

  3. Gosh, I want Jesus to interrupt the routine of my life until He does and things go all off kilter. God help me with my willingness to surrender my day to you. Thank you for this reminder…great read

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