FMF: Father of bottom-less pockets You supply my every {need}…

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19

Father of bottomless pockets, will you reach down and place in my hands exactly the thing I need – just place it there in my open hands today?  I know when I ask You to place what You have for me into my hands I probably {need} to let go of something I am holding onto.

I want so many things – things which are good and yet what of those good things are hindering me from receiving what I need from You out of Your glorious riches.  In the deepest place in my heart when I get still with You I really want in my life what You want in my life. Need - FMF Square

If I’m chasing things – holding onto things – which ultimately bind and hinder me from running the best and most efficient race on the course You’ve given me – reveal to me what needs to be thrown off.

I’m thinking – pondering – in this season about letting go to follow Jesus.  I’m reminded of how often Jesus asked His followers to let go of something so they could be free to follow Him.  He asked the fishermen to let go of their nets – they weren’t going to need those to follow Him.  Jesus would supply everything they would need as they journeyed together.

And they left their nets at once and followed him.  Matthew 4:20

I’m reading a wonderful book (for a book review – Walking on Water by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.) in which one of the aspects of joining Jesus in greater intimacy is letting go – as in Peter needed to let go of the side of the boat to walk out on the water to Jesus.

At one time Jesus sent His disciples out two by two and He commanded them to take nothing with them.  I remember specifically – no purse.  Wow, Jesus, that really speaks to me about what I think I really need on a daily basis. (five minutes)

I just work ten minutes from home and I pack a huge bag with extra clothes and shoes, and lunch and water bottle and a book, journal and New Testament, umbrella, lip balm and lipstick and a cough drop and… just in case I might need any of those during my 8 hours of work.

So, Lord, what do I continually hold in my hands or on my shoulder, which I need to drop so I can receive what You have for me today.  You are my God, my Father and You have bottom-less pockets.  Surely You know exactly what I need at any moment throughout today and any day.  I choose to receive Your choice for me today… with gratitude and open palms.


  • Friend, what do you need today?
  • Is God your Father?  Do you believe He has bottom-less pockets – the richest treasures of all creation?
    • If that seems a strange view of God… do you believe He created all things?  Owns all things?  Is Sovereign over you and all creation?  Do you believe God is a good Father?  Do you believe He has all that is best in mind for you?
    • Sometimes when I am overwhelmed and don’t know what to do – I choose to tell myself…
      • Lisa, go back to what you know is true.  Remember Who God is… who You are as His daughter… remember all His past faithfulness and provision and love and mercy and grace and healing…
      • Be refreshed in His goodness and love – be overwhelmed, friend, by His unfathomable love for you and me…

Eyes on Jesus… you’re Shining!


fmf logo Participating with Kate Motaung and her lovely band of Five Minute Friday faith bloggers for a five-minute free write on the word prompt today: {need}

I hope you will join us with a free write of your own.  And join the discussion here.  Thanks for stopping in and spending some of your precious time at Eyes on Jesus and Shine!



9 thoughts on “FMF: Father of bottom-less pockets You supply my every {need}…

  1. I love your prayer and your description of God as “Father of bottomless pockets.” Surrender was my word of the year last year, and letting go of other things in order to receive from God was something I learned a lot about. Still not easy, but definitely worth it!

  2. Thank you for this thoughtful post Lisa. I feel I have let go of many things, but there is always more parts of myself and actual things to surrender. Looking forward to reading more of your posts! Blessings, Julie

    1. Julie!
      I feel like we could be coffee house sisters if we lived near one another. You encourage me so much by showing up here and spending some of your precious limited time here with me. Thanks for your encouragement as I am encouraged by the words you have shared today too. Bless you, knitted writing heart with all you need and all your wants shaped into God’s desire for you – His best for His girl!

    1. Hi Susan, I started replying to you earlier today and it just wouldn’t go through. =)
      So, here I go again…
      I probably do the FMF different than most. I hope I am not breaking the rules – rather being creative with the concept and working the way I think – which is probably not like anyone else.
      I kind of work backwards to come to a conclusion – especially with writing.
      So, here is how I do it…
      I look for the word on Thursday night, pray over it, and sleep on it. When I wake up I usually have a scripture playing through my mind and I pray again. Then I already have Kate’s picture saved and my post set up and ready to publish when I finish.
      I read the scripture in my mind and talk to the Lord and ask for Holy Spirit guidance… and then I jot some notes in my journal or begin writing the post in my mind … I type out the ponders usually first and work backwards to the post.
      I start my timer and then start typing what’s already been written down or is in my head. Then when the timer goes off I put the 5 minute mark in ( 5 minutes) the post to show where the timer went off and then I finish my thought. Today’s post all in was 10 minutes rather than 5 – I think pretty good for a recovering perfectionist. =)
      Anyway, I am really glad you stopped by Eyes on Jesus and Shine!
      I enjoyed your post as well… Bless you, friend!

  3. Stopping by from FMF…thank you for the reminder that there’s often things we need to let go of open our hands to Jesus.

    1. Debbie, thank you so much for spending some of your precious limited time here with me at Eyes on Jesus and Shine. I so enjoyed your post this afternoon after a long day of work – a cup of cool water!
      Thank you for being a part of this faith writing community and for adding value to my corner of the internet!
      Bless you with all of what you need from Jesus and all your wants being shaped to Father’s desires for you.

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