Day 27: Who is it that {overcome}s the world?

Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he (and she) who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:5 niv

{overcome} it’s a promise for the one who perseveres through, over and around – for the one who puts their eyes on Jesus and never stops following the sound of His voice.

Looking this morning at the question in 1 John 5:5 my first response would be the automatic Sunday School answer – “JESUS!” However, as I finish reading the scripture, the answer is plain as day…

It’s me! Hopefully, it is you!
Only those of us who believe Jesus is the Son of God. We are the ones who are given the privilege, the opportunity and the guaranteethe promise of overcoming the world.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve not really set out to overcome the world. I just want to overcome the obstacles which seem to be impeding my current progress. The slammed shut and locked doors… the tightly shuttered windows… the physical resources which seem to be leaking out without enough flowing back in.

I doubt Naomi set out to overcome the world. Nor Ruth. Probably not even Boaz. Though certainly, the book of Ruth is an overcomer’s true story. There’s much for me to glean from this small book of Ruth as pertains to my own life and circumstances I face. These obstacles aren’t any more impossible for me than they were for Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.

Clearly, we see a familiar pattern in Ruth – as we see all throughout the Bible. It’s an easily recognizable pattern in my own life as well:

  • there’s a problem – an obstacle to {overcome}
  • what can I do to gut it out, fix it, endure it, resolve it
  • I can’t do it… it’s too hard… I need help
  • Cry out to God for help, mercy, rescue
  • Turn back toward home, head down, overwhelmed with shame – disillusioned and hopeless.

31 days gleaning into the night

Before we get all the way home, He’s there – open arms, welcoming, glad to see us. Father is ready to provide everything we need and Jesus is ready to hold our hand and persevere with us every step while Holy Spirit teaches us to listen and follow Shepherd’s voice. The next thing we know – we’ve {overcome}… because Jesus came to overcome the world!

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 niv


I feel absolutely sure we each have something in our lives to {overcome}. Perhaps the real questions are deeper than what appears on the surface. Jesus usually wants to take us deeper, right?

  • I wonder if you will ask Holy Spirit for His perspective on what it is He has for you to overcome? I’m asking too.
    • Perhaps it looks like famine, but is it really fear of lack – feelings of abandonment? Perhaps the obstacle looks like your spouse or your children or career or…, but maybe it’s really fear or doubt or pride or….?
  • Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV
    • What do these words mean for you? Will you ask Jesus – honestly – pouring out the well of emotion, which is undoubtedly tied to this thing that looks impossible to our human eyes?
    • Will you turn towards Jesus, sit at His feet and allow Him to cup your chin and turn your eyes toward Him? Will I?
    • Will we place our hands in His, trusting and persevering because He has overcome the world?

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Persevere friend all the way through. There’s no guarantee your story will end the way you always thought it would. It is a promise, if you yield to God writing His story in your life, the end result will yield a harvest beyond your wildest imagination. Mark 4:20 in The Message

Eyes on Jesus… you’re Shining!


31 days fmf overcome

It’s Friday and the surprise word Kate Motaung has for us today is {overcome}. Thanks, Kate, for listening to Holy Spirit for word prompts and sharing them with the rest of us.

So come along and join in the fun. Set your timer for 5. Pray, ask Holy Spirit for His words, type and publish.

{Overcome} the temptation to sit this one out, {overcome} the lie that you have nothing to contribute to the body. We need to edify one another…. {overcome} for the edification of the body of Christ and for God’s glory! Click here to read and or join in the link up for today’s Five Minute Friday

8 thoughts on “Day 27: Who is it that {overcome}s the world?

    1. Yes, let’s go together! Thank you for spending some of your very valuable time with me here! God bless you as you experience His tangible presence and love with you today.

  1. “I wonder if you will ask Holy Spirit for His perspective on what it is He has for you to overcome?”

    This was an easy question to answer: God is pushing me to overcome fear. It’s not about the health struggles, because all bodies break down at one point or another. Will I trust Him in the midst of the pain? Will I choose to believe that He has a good plan, even if I can’t see or understand it? Tough stuff that I am confronted with over and over again.

    1. Marie, thank you for joining in the conversation! Thank you for participating – walking arm in arm with me – to uncover what God wants us to know for our good and His glory. You add such value to my journey – so much more to glean when we share the journey together. Bless you, friend, with all the tangible ways Jesus is present with you.

  2. Lisa, felt Holy Spirit nudging as I read your words. Yes, I am familiar with how Jesus takes us deeper to hurt places. I am in a season of rest, soaking in His truth. Have a blessed weekend, Julie

  3. It can be easy to look to our own strength and try to find our own solutions. Thanks for this reminder that it is only through Jesus that we can truly overcome.

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