Day 22: Is not your yoke easy and your burden {light}?

Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “You are witnesses this day that I have bought from the hand of Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and to Mahlon.  Also Ruth the Moabite, the widow of Mahlon, I have bought to be my wife, to perpetuate the name of the dead in his inheritance, that the name of the dead may not be cut off from among his brothers and from the gate of his native place. You are witnesses this day.”   Ruth 4:9-10 esv

{Light} – lighten the load, remove a burden from your shoulders…

burden is light

This morning as I ponder the word for today – light – while reading and praying through God’s word for us in Ruth, I see the picture of the kinsman redeemer removing the burden of the weak, the poor, the widow and oppressed.

This scripture is sure to raise an eyebrow and cause our modern day skin to crawl and a shudder to run down our spines as we are justified in rejecting the idea of women being purchased as a bride.  I’m in full agreement.  Not at all should we think it’s ok in any way shape or form for another human being to be purchased by another.

As much as we are opposed, this was the true status of women in the time of the Judges.  Had not Boaz stepped forward as the near kinsman who had received the right of purchase of Elimelech’s estate from Naomi, Ruth would not have a place of honor, of shelter, and an opportunity to have children to carry on the name of Naomi’s family.  Truly, the near kinsman was God’s provision in those times to care for the widows, orphans, the poor and oppressed foreign peoples of the world.

This scripture in Ruth, is God’s Word – God breathed – and God by the power of His Holy Spirit means for us to see Jesus as our Kinsman Redeemer.  Who can argue?  We who walked afar off from God –  burdened under a yoke of sin… we needed to be purchased.  And purchased we are by the blood of the Lamb of God sacrificed on our behalf.  Jesus, Son of God, is our kinsman Redeemer who declares today the JOYFUL purchase of His bride.

Jesus calls out to all who will have ears to hear…

“…For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  Matthew 11:30 nlt

girl in wheat 31 days

Grateful we are… those of us who have been released from our burden and have received the good news in the presence of many witnesses the truth, “I have been ransomed.  My Redeemer has paid a great price for me with His own blood.  I am no longer dead, but alive and my new name which my Redeemer has given me will live on in eternity with Him as His bride.  Hallelujah! Amen.”


“No, this is the kind of fasting I want:
Free those who are wrongly imprisoned;
    lighten the burden of those who work for you.
Let the oppressed go free,
    and remove the chains that bind people.
Share your food with the hungry,
    and give shelter to the homeless.
Give clothes to those who need them,
    and do not hide from relatives who need your help.  Isaiah 58:6-7

  • How do you feel about the idea of being purchased out of bondage?  Have you submitted to your need for the Kinsman Redeemer to purchase you out of death and darkness?  Will you receive the gift of Jesus’ ransom today?
  • If you know you have been redeemed by the Kinsman Redeemer Jesus, how does this story help you reflect on the gift God has given you?
  • Will you pray with me and ask Holy Spirit for a fresh view of God’s grace toward the widow, the poor, the oppressed, the slaves to sin and the dead without His loving purchase?
  • Are you willing to share a new understanding of God’s word, His grace, love and redemption through this small book of Ruth?

Eyes on Jesus…you’re Shining!


2 thoughts on “Day 22: Is not your yoke easy and your burden {light}?

  1. I appreciate the way you are sensitive to this issue but with recognizing the truly divine love of God in purchasing our freedom. 💕❣️

    1. Thank you, Ruth, for being brave to read and comment on this post. It’s a subject for our modern times and yet it seems easier sometimes just to avoid topics altogether. I love that you are a friend with whom we can spill it and clean it up later. Thank you from the depth of my heart for going on this writing journey with me. You’ve been step for step and I so appreciate your support – especially your prayers for us through the famine season.

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