A Joy to Know You Tried to Play

This post is written in participation with the Five Minute Friday community.  It is my delight and honor to get to participate with Kate Motaung each Friday in this five-minute free write challenge.  Our leader, Kate, sends out the prompt each Thursday evening at 10 PM.  This week the word is {play}

fmf logo

The rules are gentle and simple:  Know the one word prompt.  Set a timer for 5 minutes. And then write.  A challenge for the recovering perfectionists (including myself) – no editing, corrections and improvements.  Offer yourself plenty of grace and everyone in the community will too.

Come on, you’re invited… jump in and PLAY


“Mom, I want to play the piano.”  Well, we didn’t have a piano, but my friend next door had one.  I loved to sit with her on the bench and watch her fingers move over the keys creating a beautiful melody to fill the air.  I wanted to be able to play too.

If you were a child and/or you are a parent, you can guess at the gist of the conversation. Long story short with much pleading and promises to practice my parents purchased a beautiful brand new upright piano.

And I did take lessons.  I did practice.  I did learn to play some beautiful music.  I enjoyed the challenge and the results (though I am sure I complained about practicing).

I enjoyed it until I became the piano student of a teacher who insisted all her students would perform in a recital once a year.  I was not one to get up in front of an audience and perform solo.  I was shy.  I was terrified at the prospect.  And I was angry at the demand.  To take lessons with Mrs. Blackmon meant I would play in a recital.

Apparently my desire to play was greater than my angst toward the recital.  Most likely a huge piece of my motivation to continue onward was my desire not to disappoint my parents and to keep my promise to play the piano purchased according to my wishes.

Regardless as I look back all these forty years later I am delighted I tried to play.  I did play in two piano recitals.  I don’t remember how well I played or the number of errors made.  I simply remember an accomplishment of overcoming my deep fear of sitting solo in front of an audience to play.

I tried.  I did it scared.

You too?

Yes.  Try.

It’s a joy to know you tried to play…

8 thoughts on “A Joy to Know You Tried to Play

  1. I am as far from musically talented as one can get (why does nobody ever take the time to teach very low alto gal-singers?) but I love music. I am transported to specific times and places when certain songs come on. Right now, I’m listening to Johnny Cash sing “In the Sweet by and By.”

    All that as a preface to what I really want to say: Do things scared. Try things. I’ve often talked myself out of trying because it won’t be perfect and I’m afraid of failure. God keeps on confronting me with this ugly tendency. I think I miss out on a lot.

    1. Marie, thank you for stopping by and taking time to read my five minute post today! May I be so bold as to offer this truth? Because you belong to God as His adopted daughter – He is your Father. Our Father is creative and so as you grow to be more and more like Christ – you are becoming more and more creative. Don’t take my word for it. Ask Him if He might pass on some of His creativity to you in music…singing. He loves to hear you sing. #doitscared Friend, I encourage you…and feast on JOY!

  2. I’m glad you were able to overcome your fear. I think so often the real achievement is not in how well we do something but in the fact that we are willing to give it a try.

    1. ME too, Lesley! Thank you for stopping in to read my five minute post on PLAY. I sure appreciate your time and encouraging words. I agree…try…do it scared…learn and grow! I bless you, friend, with a feast of JOY!

  3. I smiled reading this. I played in one recital. My not practicing resulted in the lessons not continuing and I’ve regretted that for years. I did play in band and playing in front of others isn’t as scary when you’re surrounded by others. Glad you overcame that fear. The hard lessons seem the most beneficial.

    1. Hi Debby! Thank you for stopping by to read and offer encouraging words on my five minute post. I’m so glad you were smiling as you read along. Isn’t it interesting to look back to see how the various aspects of your life worked together to make you who you are today? Though I learned a great deal about piano and music I regret that I stopped playing in my early teen years. I would love to be able to play still. The greater lesson learned was to #doitscared
      I bless you with a feast of JOY in your life today!

  4. I winced as I read your post. I am a piano teacher. Oh, how I agonize with students who find playing in front of people so hard. I rejoice that you vanquished your terror and excepted the challenge. I am so glad I learned to play. My mother laughed so hard when I told her I was teaching. What? The little girl I tied to the piano bench? You win Mama.

    1. Oh Gabriele, I hope you winced in a good way! I am grateful your mama persevered with you, and you persevered. Now you help students persevere. Coming full circle is a glorious thing! Thank you for helping others #doitscared
      I was very afraid of anything in which I might publicly fail. And yet, I wanted to participate in everything! In my heart I wanted to be Helen Reddy or Marie Osmond singing on stage, but practically I was terrified – of failing. I’m grateful for all the times I clinched my teeth, closed my eyes and did it anyway. God has taught me to “do it scared” and I am all the more joyful for it!

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